I saw this on another blog I follow, and since I really have nothing else do write about today, I thought I'd do this instead~
1. I’ve come to realize that my body... is pretty darn amazing. Hello, I had a baby, and while my body will never be quite the same, I am completely amazed that I grew "boy parts" inside of me...
2. I’ve come to realize that my job... may not be my dream job, but it does pay the bills, and it is also very flexible.
3. I’ve come to realize that when I’m driving... I am getting better at calming the baby and paying attention at the same time.
4. I’ve come to realize that I need... a vacation in the worst way!
5. I’ve come to realize that I have lost... a little bit of myself in becoming a mother. However, I am not upset about this, because I know that I have gained so much more.
6. I’ve come to realize that I hate it when... I lose my temper over stupid things. It makes me feel like I've lost control.
7. I’ve come to realize that if I’m drunk... I know I'm going to feel really bad the next day.
8. I’ve come to realize that money… doesn't grow on trees, unfortunately.
9. I’ve come to realize that certain people... are always going to be mad about something. Nothing you do can make them happy, so you may as well kill them with kindness.
10. I’ve come to realize that I’ll always... have trouble telling people exactly how I feel. Just something to do with being a people-pleaser.
11. I've come to realize that my sibling(s)... are truly wonderful human beings. We were taught well by our parents!
12. I’ve come to realize that my mom... really does know what she's talking about. Remember when we didn't think our parents knew squat? Well, it turns out they actually do...
13. I’ve come to realize that my cell phone... is a lifeline. Too bad.
14. I’ve come to realize that when I woke up this morning... It was 7 am, and the baby had slept most of the night. Also, he didn't end up in our bed, and that is awesome!
15. I’ve come to realize that last night before I went to sleep... that I'd had a great at-home date night with the hubs, watching a movie.
16. I’ve come to realize that right now I am thinking... I am so ready to get Trent from daycare so he can play with his new toys!
17. I’ve come to realize that my dad...is truly the most giving man I know. He will give up anything to help those he loves.
18. I’ve come to realize that when I get on Facebook... I have to see every status update and look at all the pictures between now and the last time I logged on.
19. I’ve come to realize that today... just how close Christmas is! Yea!
20. I’ve come to realize that tonight... I will be home with Trent while Daddy goes and plays Magic.
21. I’ve come to realize that tomorrow... I will be working from 11 to 5.
22. I’ve come to realize that I really want to... get rid of all of the stuff in the garage. I would love to be able to park my car in there someday.
23. I’ve come to realize that the person mostly likely to repost this is... Candace or Chris. I only have two followers...
24. I’ve come to realize that life... keeps getting better as the years go by.
25. I’ve come to realize that this weekend... I am going on a date with my husband! Yea!
26. I’ve realized the best music to listen to when I am upset... K-Love. No matter what my mood, the right song always seems to come on! Thank you, Lord!
27. I’ve come to realize that my friends... are wonderful! And it's too bad we don't get to see more of each other.
28. I’ve come to realize that this year. . . is one I will always look back on with the sweetest memories. Absolutely fantastic.
29. I’ve come to realize that my husband...is one hardworking human being. He's far too understanding and it a GREAT daddy!
30. I’ve come to realize that maybe I should... get back on the horse and stop eating whatever I want.
31. I’ve come to realize that I love... evenings at home with my boys.
32. I’ve come to realize that I don’t understand... math. I hate it! Hopefully Trent will get Daddy's great math skills.
33. I’ve come to realize my past... is something to cherish. I had a lovely childhood!
34. I’ve come to realize that parties... are better the earlier in the evening. Need to keep the baby on his schedule! :)
35. I’ve come to realize that I’m totally terrified... of sitting down a writing our will. I just can't even fathom that something could happen to one or both of us.
36. I’ve come to realize that my life... is wonderful, and is only getting better!
Come experience life in our house! My name is Korree, and I am a Christian, a mother, wife, sister, aunt and daughter. Chris is my husband of 10 years, and we have a beautiful son named Trent Rayner. We have memories of what life was like before him, although we are forever changed by him.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Sick Baby=Not a fun time for Mommy and Daddy...
Sorry, it's been so long, but my little man has been sick! And I mean double ear infection sick. Not fun! He was a little fussy on Saturday and Sunday. But then again, we missed both his naps because we were out having fun running errands on both days. (Note to self: Stop doing that on the weekends! It will make all of your lives easier!) Anyway, since he'd missed/skipped the naps, and he's been teething for about 2 months now, I just assumed he was cranky because of that.
Sunday evening, we went to my niece, Kallie's, Christmas program, which was the cutest! And then after, we headed over to the in-laws for some family time. We noticed his little nose was stuffed up. Again, I thought he was just teething because that's exactly what happened when he started teething a couple of months ago. We got home, and he went straight to sleep after his nighttime bottle. He slept all night. Not a regular occurrence in our house lately... He woke up at 5am to eat. And he had dried green snot. all. over. his. face. EWWWW!!! While I was completely grossed out, I fed him and then cleaned his face off with a warm rag, which he completely hated. I was a little concerned when he fell back asleep almost immediately, so I called the on-call nurses at our pediatrician's office. She told me that green snot did not necessarily mean there was an infection, that it was most likely stages of a cold,which is viral, and that he was at the middle to end of it. But to definitely keep an eye on him, as it could turn bacterial, and very quickly could turn into an ear infection.
I ended up staying home from work to be with him. He seemed better as the day wore on, so I ran to the grocery store to get out of the house for a little bit. He played and slept for most of the day. That night, as I was putting him down to sleep, he started screaming, and he ended up doing that for almost an hour and a half. And it was the high-pitched "I'm hurting" cry. I was certain it had turned into an ear infection. My poor baby finally wore himself out and fell asleep. He slept till about midnight and woke up screaming again. He didn't want to eat, just wanted his paci and to be held. When he woke up for the day at 7am, I noticed he had what looked like wax leaking out of his left ear. Yuck, and man, did it look like he'd ruptured an eardrum. I called the nurse, and she said it sounded exactly like an ear infection.
We went in that afternoon, and sure enough it was. A double ear infection. The left one had, in fact, ruptured, and the right was close behind. His doctor heard a wheeze when she was listening to his lungs. She wanted to do an RSV test just to make sure it was negative. I think that was the longest 15 minutes of my life. Thank the Lord above, it was negative. We were sent home with an prescription for Amoxicillan and a scheduled 2-week check-up.
I felt so bad that he was sick, but I must say that I am proud of myself for "diagnosing" Trent, and that I paid attention to what the nurse said and kept an eye out for the symptoms. I know, it's my job as a mother to do that, but still. I've had many friends tell me to go with your gut when it comes to your kids. And I've found that to be too true.
In the beginning, when Trent was having so many tummy troubles, I just knew it had to be the formula. I kept pushing the doctor to change his formula. I would give each kind the obligatory 3 weeks, and then change again, because I just *knew* that's what it was. Finally, when we started the soy, everything was better. Not to toot my own horn, but TOOT TOOT!!
Sunday evening, we went to my niece, Kallie's, Christmas program, which was the cutest! And then after, we headed over to the in-laws for some family time. We noticed his little nose was stuffed up. Again, I thought he was just teething because that's exactly what happened when he started teething a couple of months ago. We got home, and he went straight to sleep after his nighttime bottle. He slept all night. Not a regular occurrence in our house lately... He woke up at 5am to eat. And he had dried green snot. all. over. his. face. EWWWW!!! While I was completely grossed out, I fed him and then cleaned his face off with a warm rag, which he completely hated. I was a little concerned when he fell back asleep almost immediately, so I called the on-call nurses at our pediatrician's office. She told me that green snot did not necessarily mean there was an infection, that it was most likely stages of a cold,which is viral, and that he was at the middle to end of it. But to definitely keep an eye on him, as it could turn bacterial, and very quickly could turn into an ear infection.
I ended up staying home from work to be with him. He seemed better as the day wore on, so I ran to the grocery store to get out of the house for a little bit. He played and slept for most of the day. That night, as I was putting him down to sleep, he started screaming, and he ended up doing that for almost an hour and a half. And it was the high-pitched "I'm hurting" cry. I was certain it had turned into an ear infection. My poor baby finally wore himself out and fell asleep. He slept till about midnight and woke up screaming again. He didn't want to eat, just wanted his paci and to be held. When he woke up for the day at 7am, I noticed he had what looked like wax leaking out of his left ear. Yuck, and man, did it look like he'd ruptured an eardrum. I called the nurse, and she said it sounded exactly like an ear infection.
We went in that afternoon, and sure enough it was. A double ear infection. The left one had, in fact, ruptured, and the right was close behind. His doctor heard a wheeze when she was listening to his lungs. She wanted to do an RSV test just to make sure it was negative. I think that was the longest 15 minutes of my life. Thank the Lord above, it was negative. We were sent home with an prescription for Amoxicillan and a scheduled 2-week check-up.
I felt so bad that he was sick, but I must say that I am proud of myself for "diagnosing" Trent, and that I paid attention to what the nurse said and kept an eye out for the symptoms. I know, it's my job as a mother to do that, but still. I've had many friends tell me to go with your gut when it comes to your kids. And I've found that to be too true.
In the beginning, when Trent was having so many tummy troubles, I just knew it had to be the formula. I kept pushing the doctor to change his formula. I would give each kind the obligatory 3 weeks, and then change again, because I just *knew* that's what it was. Finally, when we started the soy, everything was better. Not to toot my own horn, but TOOT TOOT!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Grandpa and Grandma Mann

Sorry it's been so long! I've been busy working. Yep, remember when I said I was working 33 hours per week? That's been changed to almost 40. I know, you all work that much with more kids than me, but dang, I'm still getting used to this!
Anyway, the above picture is of my sister, Abby, my brother, Brian and me. We were at my Grandma and Grandpa Mann's house here. It was in December 2000 right after my Grandpa had died. He was 86 when he passed, and he lived a lot longer than we thought he would after Grandma passed in 1995. To tell you the truth, I didn't know my grandpa all that well, or my grandma for that matter. We would see them at least twice a year, but I never really spent that much time with them. Now, of course, I wish I would have. He and my grandma were just always the older grandparents, compared with my dad's parents. I think we kids just felt like we could relate more to Grams and Gramps Smith. We just felt closer to them.
A few days before we'd pack up and leave for Arizona to visit them, my mom and dad would ship a big box of toys there so we would have something to do while we were there. There was always the obligatory, "I love you, and have missed you!" And then we were off to do whatever there was to do that day. And then at night before we went to bed, "Sleep well, I love you. See you in the morning." Of course we spend mealtimes together, but other than that, we just did our thing, and they did theirs.
I do remember talking to my grandma about her childhood and Mom's childhood. She had pictures of all of her children and grandchildren, and she would always have a story that went with each picture. My grandpa, it seemed, was pretty gruff, and I have to say that I was a little timid around him. I was a shy kid, so I'm sure that had something to do with it. I feel strange because I cried at my grandma's funeral, but not at his. I feel very mixed emotions about this.
This time of year though, I remember the good times we had. I loved to sit in the front seat of their car and "help" him drive. I remember him always picking us up from the airport and smelling his cigarettes while he smoked. I remember the cocktail hour at their house, and how Grandma would always make me a Shirley Temple or sometimes, a Roy Rogers. Yum! We kids would sit on the fireplace hearth and drink them.
I would love to say that they're in Heaven, but I'm just not sure about that. They never went to church with us while we were there. which doesn't mean they weren't Christians, but they never talked about it either. I remember my mom praying for them at dinnertime and at bedtime. Only God knows where they are, and I pray I will see them when I get to Heaven.
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