Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Random: Edition Nicknames I've Given Trent

So, Chris and I were talking the other day about my penchant to giving people and animals nicknames. I think I got it from my mom, who was always coming up with nicknames for us. Anything from our initials, to shortened version of our names, to personality characteristics. Of course, these were all terms of endearment, and we thought of them as such.

Here are some of the nicknames I've come up with for Trent.

1. Little T
2. Bud
3. Buddy
4. Momma bebe
5. Mister
6. Mister Baby
7. Sweetums
8. Sweet Pea
9. Mr. Sweetpants
10. Lovie
11. Bub
12. Boo
13. Boo-ba-loo
14. Loo
15. Mi Beppans
16. Mr. Loviepants
17. Bubber Lubber
18. Love Dove
19. Baby Love

I think that's it. I really don't remember the context in which I came up with any of these. I suppose, though, that the really important thing is that Trent know they're all for him, and that they are all given with love.

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