Sunday, November 29, 2009

You'd think We'd Learn By Now...

So, last Sunday, we ran out of the RTF Isomil we give to Trent. And being the broke parents that we are, figured we'd just try him on the powder Isomil we can a crap-ton of... And he was fine for a few days. And then he was fussy and running fever. Well, heck, we thought he was just teething or had a slight infection. That was Wednesday. We alternated Motrin and Tylenol, and the kid was good as new. Then Thursday (Thanksgiving), we had similar problems, only the fever was very low-grade. More Tylenol, and he was good. Then, that night, he lost his mind while we were visiting Chris's parents, he lost it again. Teething rings and Tylenol for him then. Friday was much of the same, with fussiness, unwillingness to eat, etc. Then Saturday, OhEmGee!!! It was bad, and to make matter worse, I was by myself all day since Chris had to work. It was so crappy at one point, I was strongly considering taking back what I'd said about wanting another baby! Oh yeah, totally forgot to mention the fact that all during this, he is spitting up like he's in a spit-up competition and the prize is college tuition to UT-Austin. He does have reflux, but give me a break...

Then, a lightbulb went off in my head: It's the freaking formula!!!! So, I packed up Trent and my niece, Kallie, who I was watching while her parents were on a date, and booked it straight to Walgreens and bought 2 big containers of the RTF stuff. SO glad I did that! Within the first hour, he was back to his normal, drooly, silly self. Thank the Lord!!!! Never again will we subject Trent (and ourselves) to that ridiculous-ness. We have learned our lesson!!!

In other news, Chris's mom wants to watch Trent one day a week. This means, I can work on Mondays now! Yea, more hours for Mommy and less for Daddy to have to work(hopefully). Also, Granny will get to see Trent more than just the one day a week we can get over to see her and Papa.

I will post about Thanksgiving another time. Got to finish laundry and sweep the floor.


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